The Verdict: Perhaps not an essential iPhone accessory, but a pretty great one nonetheless. What’s not to like? The Bad: Snooze bar initially had a strong plastic odor. (Propped, no doubt, on top of your well-worn copy of Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products.) Product Name: Snooze iPhone Alarm Dock The Good: Minimalist designed and the kind of functionality that has clearly been thought through. It’s difficult to argue that it’s an essential accessory, but it’s certainly a good one, and gives your iPhone a home on any self-respecting bedside table. The Snooze iPhone alarm dock has both in spades. After updating to iOS 8, turning the alarm off did not prevent the alarm from sounding again after the snooze. going into the alarm panel in clock app and turn off the alarm. Previously, after snoozing an alarm, the ways to turn it off were: unlocking the phone when the alarm went off a second time. The most important quality to look for in an iOS accessory is just what you would search for - and expect to find - in an Apple product: functionality and good design. Turn off snoozed alarm after unlocking iPhone.

If you do accept the Snooze’s premise, however, this product is all good - with very little that’s bad or ugly to say about it. iPhone 11 Pro Born To Snooze Funny Alarm Clock Snooze Setting Sleeping In Case Item Weight, 5.4 ounces ASIN, B0BQRTZWLQ Special features, Heavy duty. You could, I suppose, argue that the whole idea of turning your iPhone into a physical alarm clock is a bit unnecessary - since your device already comes with a built-in alarm feature. How do you change the snooze time on an iPhone While Apple does not allow you to change the default snooze time on the iPhone, there are two ways to get aro.